The Kennedys is a multi-generation family comedy loosely based on Emma’s memoirs The Tent, The Bucket And Me. Each episode is introduced by Emma Kennedy played by Lucy Hutchinson, a 10 year-old Star Wars obsessed tomboy who is hap...
罗伯特·德斯特,安德鲁•亚雷茨基,Gary Napoli,珍妮·皮洛,Michael Simon Hall,Kevin J. Hynes,Dick DeGuerin,Debra Kay Anderson,切斯拉·冈萨雷兹,马克·斯默林,苏珊·伯曼,Cody Cazalas,Gilberte Najamy,Charles Bagli,Ellen Strauss,克斯汀·邓斯特,弗兰克·兰格拉,Kim Lankford,扎克利·斯图尔特-庞提尔,Stephen M. Silverman,Gus Lynch